
Session cookies in Astro

This page builds upon the API defined in the Basic session API page.

CSRF protection

CSRF protection is a must when using cookies. From Astro v5.0, basic CSRF protection using the Origin header is enabled by default. If you're using Astro v4, you must manually enable it by updating the config file.

// astro.config.mjs
export default defineConfig({
	output: "server",
	security: {
		checkOrigin: false


Session cookies should have the following attributes:

  • HttpOnly: Cookies are only accessible server-side
  • SameSite=Lax: Use Strict for critical websites
  • Secure: Cookies can only be sent over HTTPS (Should be omitted when testing on localhost)
  • Max-Age or Expires: Must be defined to persist cookies
  • Path=/: Cookies can be accessed from all routes

Lucia v3 used auth_session as the session cookie name.

import type { APIContext } from "astro";

// ...

export function setSessionTokenCookie(context: APIContext, token: string, expiresAt: Date): void {
	context.cookies.set("session", token, {
		httpOnly: true,
		sameSite: "lax",
		secure: import.meta.env.PROD,
		expires: expiresAt,
		path: "/"

export function deleteSessionTokenCookie(context: APIContext): void {
	context.cookies.set("session", "", {
		httpOnly: true,
		sameSite: "lax",
		secure: import.meta.env.PROD,
		maxAge: 0,
		path: "/"

Session validation

Sessions can be validated by getting the cookie and using the validateSessionToken() function we created. If the session is invalid, delete the session cookie. Importantly, we recommend setting a new session cookie after validation to persist the cookie for an extended time.

import {
} from "$lib/server/session";

import type { APIContext } from "astro";

export async function GET(context: APIContext): Promise<Response> {
	const token = context.cookies.get("session")?.value ?? null;
	if (token === null) {
		return new Response(null, {
			status: 401

	const { session, user } = await validateSessionToken(token);
	if (session === null) {
		return new Response(null, {
			status: 401
	setSessionTokenCookie(context, token, session.expiresAt);

	// ...

We recommend handling session validation in middleware and passing the current auth context to each route.

// src/env.d.ts

/// <reference types="astro/client" />
declare namespace App {
	// Note: 'import {} from ""' syntax does not work in .d.ts files.
	interface Locals {
		session: import("./lib/server/session").Session | null;
		user: import("./lib/server/session").User | null;
// src/middleware.ts
import {
} from "./lib/server/session";
import { defineMiddleware } from "astro:middleware";

export const onRequest = defineMiddleware(async (context, next) => {
	const token = context.cookies.get("session")?.value ?? null;
	if (token === null) {
		context.locals.user = null;
		context.locals.session = null;
		return next();

	const { session, user } = await validateSessionToken(token);
	if (session !== null) {
		setSessionTokenCookie(context, token, session.expiresAt);
	} else {

	context.locals.session = session;
	context.locals.user = user;
	return next();

Both the current user and session will be available in Astro files and API endpoints.

if (Astro.locals.user === null) {
    return Astro.redirect("/login")
export function GET(context: APIContext): Promise<Response> {
	if (context.locals.user === null) {
		return new Response(null, {
			status: 401
	// ...